Hussain Sagar Facts - General Knowledge

Hussain Sagar Facts

Hussain Sagar was constructed in the 16th century and is the largest artificial lake in Asia with a 3 km long dam wall that connects the twin cities Hyderabad and Secunderabad.

  • Built by Qutub Shah honoring Hussain Shah Wali, after whom the lake was named Hussain Sagar for curing him of a disease.
  • On the banks of the lake, a bund (waterfront) is built to control the flow of water on the other side.
  • The Tank Bund, as it is called is a favorite promenade for the city.
tank bund 1940
tank bund in 1940

The tank, fed by streams originating from the Musi River, supplies water to Hyderabad City.

  • 16-meter-high, 350-tonne monolithic Buddha statue on the ‘Rock of Gibraltar’ is the special attraction of Hussain Sagar lake.
  • Built at the center of the lake, the statue is entirely made of white granite.
Buddha Statue Hyderabad, Rock Of Gibraltar
Buddha Statue Hyderabad, Rock Of Gibraltar

The Hussain Sagar Lake is surrounded by four major spans of greenery:

  •  Indira Park in the east
  •  Sanjeevaiah Park in the north
  •  Lumbini Park in the south and
  • A green belt stretch squeezed in between the Raj Bhavan road and the Necklace Road.
  • On the dam, we can see 30 statues of famous personalities.
  • Hussain Sagar has other attractions such as water sports, a boating club, and a sailing club, line the shore and the annual regatta draws a good number of sports lovers from all around the country.
  • Recently, on a Twitter user request, Minister for MAUD, KTR directed the officials to consider every Sunday as a Funday from 5 pm to 10 pm with several programmes lined up for the public.

hussain sagar tank bund traffic free zone every sunday

He advised traffic cops to make Tank Bund into a traffic free-zone every Sunday evening.

sunday funday
Imgcredit – TOI

The initiative kick-started on August 29 and received a huge thumbs up from Hyderabadis who thronged the lake road with their families,

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