What Is Panex-21? - General Knowledge

What Is Panex-21?

PANEX-21 will be structured as a multi-agency exercise with experts from the Armed Forces, the National Disaster Relief Force, and other stakeholders to combat disaster management challenges in the context of a pandemic.

PANEX-21 excercise
PANEX-21 excercise

The event for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief exercise, PANEX-21, for the member nations of BIMSTEC countries, was held in New Delhi on 07 Dec 2021.

The exercise was planned and conducted from 2020 to 22nd December 2021 at Pune in which the delegates from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Thailand participated.

Earlier the following two BIMSTEC conferences that held Disaster Management Exercises fruitfully exhibited the close coordination mechanism that the BIMSTEC nation shares.

  • DMEx-2017 at Delhi and
  • DMEx-2020 at Pune

Also, Read | What Is BIMSTEC?

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